"We had to rethink and leave familiar patterns".

Amag's new image campaign is designed to stir emotions and motivate action. In an exclusive interview, Swen Morath from Wunderman Thompson and Dino Graf from Amag explain the exciting background that led to the campaign.

Swen Morath (left), Dino Graf

Werbewoche.ch: Swen Morath, the Campaign press release emphasizes the importance of an emotional story for this image campaign. How did your team integrate the emotional component into the image spot to effectively convey AMAG's message?

Swen Morath: The campaign briefing already described the various future solutions on which the AMAG Group is working. We were impressed by the large number of commitments and innovations. We could only have addressed all these points with a vignette spot. However, this approach can already be found in every commercial block when it comes to the topic of sustainability. That's why we made a conscious decision to focus only on the future solution of solar energy in the commercial, in order to create space for an emotional story. The target group should be able to relate to it. We could already see that this worked during the first presentation from the touched faces of the AMAG team. The story creates attention for concrete, very technical solutions via the emotional story.


The image spot focuses on solar energy as a central theme. What challenges did you face in portraying renewable energy in an emotional story?

In the spot, we follow the classic arc of tension as it was already used by the ancient Greeks. Whereby it is of course of central importance in marketing that the brand represents the solution to the problem. In our case, this is the photovoltaic system on the roof of the parents, who use it to show their daughter that they are moving forward. In this way, we were able to stringently weave AMAG's solution for the future into the story. PV systems are a technology that is already established and understood as a solution for the future. If we had focused on the topic of solar fuels in the story, it would certainly have required more explanation, which would have been to the detriment of the storytelling.


Jakob Ström, an internationally recognized director, was chosen for the spot. What special qualities did he bring to the project?

Telling an emotional story in 30 seconds in such a way that the viewer understands it is a challenge. Jakob has already proven several times that he is an excellent master of this art. In our first conversations with Jakob, this has already become apparent. He shaped our basic idea and packaged it perfectly, without losing sight of the objectives of us as an agency and of AMAG. All this always in close exchange with all parties. A perfect collaboration.


How is this campaign different from other projects Wunderman Thompson has implemented to date?

It's quite something when a campaign is designed to shift the perception of an established brand. From a pure car dealer to a provider of sustainable mobility solutions.


What are the unique aspects of this collaboration with AMAG?

From day one, we sensed that the entire AMAG was passionately behind this campaign, right up to CEO Helmut Ruhl. We had a very close exchange with him and the entire AMAG team. We were always able to express our opinion clearly and openly. This led to intense discussions on one occasion or another, but they always resulted in a constructive solution. (laughs).


The campaign should arouse emotions and at the same time aims to motivate people to act directly. Is it possible to do both in one campaign?

It can't be done in an advertising medium, but certainly in a campaign. The TV spot arouses emotions, many other advertising media such as ads and banners have a clear call-to-action that leads to the landing page, where you can learn more about AMAG's future solutions and submit your own project.


Dino Graf, AMAG has set itself ambitious targets to achieve net zero emissions by 2040. How will this image campaign help to achieve this goal, and how will it change AMAG's public image?

Dino Graf: To this day, AMAG is perceived primarily as a car dealer or importer. That is and remains our core business, of course. But today it is more complex, and the AMAG Group now offers comprehensive mobility and energy solutions. Many Swiss people are not (yet) aware of this. If we succeed in increasingly focusing on these services, some of which are new and complementary, then it will be easier to achieve a net zero target together in Switzerland.


The campaign article mentions that the campaign is intended to communicate AMAG's various commitments and projects. Can you give some specific examples of these commitments that are highlighted in the campaign?

A year ago, the AMAG Group was able to acquire Helion, Switzerland's largest solar system installer. With solar systems, heat pumps, energy management and charging solutions, we can now offer customers more than just mobility, or rather their own car. We have holistic solutions for the shift to electromobility, including electricity production. But we are open to technology, which is why we are also invested in Synhelion, an ETH spin-off that produces low-CO2 synthetic fuels - so that internal combustion vehicles can also be climate-neutral on the road. We also offer various mobility solutions that do not necessarily require ownership of a car. And: for some time now, we have been working with various universities to address issues of the future.


The campaign emphasizes the idea that "anyone can achieve anything." How do you hope this message will inspire people in Switzerland to become actively involved in a sustainable future?

Switzerland has set itself climate targets, and the Swiss electorate approved the Climate Act this summer. Now it's a matter of following up the promises with action. We have set our own goals, we want to reach the Swiss climate targets 10 years earlier. To do this, we had to rethink and leave familiar patterns behind. We believe that together we can achieve anything if we want to. We have already received many good ideas from competition participants.

What role does the Landing page of AMAG in the campaign, and what can visitors expect to find there if they want to learn more about the solutions for the future?

 Many people are not even aware of the diversity of the AMAG Group. On the landing page, we can show who we are, what we do, and what people can expect from us. On the landing page, you will find specific offers and solutions in the mobility and energy sectors, as well as topics on which the AMAG Group is working with partners. Anyone who takes the time to explore the nine topics on the page will hopefully have a new, more comprehensive picture of AMAG.


The campaign also includes a competition in which the target group can submit its own ideas for using AMAG solutions. What kind of ideas are you hoping for from participants, and how will AMAG support the implementation of the winning ideas?

It would be nice to see ideas that benefit the general public or at least a wider group of people, be it a charging solution for a certain catchment area, a mobility solution for a community, or similar. AMAG then finances and implements the most sustainable and innovative ideas of the participants after a jury has examined the various ideas for feasibility and originality. Together with partners and the winners, we want to achieve something.

On September 9, Wunderman Thompson's current campaign for the AMAG Group was launched throughout Switzerland. Click here for the article on Werbewoche.ch.

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