Digitec and Galaxus: four million customers in 2023

Four million: That's how many customers shopped at Galaxus or Digitec in 2023. Three million of them ordered in Switzerland, but the biggest growth came from Germany, Austria and other EU countries.

Picture: Digitec Galaxus.

Digitec Galaxus has increased its active customer base more than fivefold since 2015: Between January and December 2023, 4.09 million customers made at least one purchase from the online retailer. In Switzerland, the number of active customers rose by 12% to 3.06 million within a year, and in the EU country markets by 39% to 1.03 million. Galaxus is now also available in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, although the online department store is currently concentrating its efforts on Germany and Austria.

Looking back, the online department store Galaxus and the electronics specialist Digitec saw particularly strong growth in the coronavirus year 2020, when a good 50 percent more customers shopped at the Swiss market leader than in 2019. But even after that, annual percentage growth was in the double-digit range.

"Proud that our services inspire"

"I am proud that we are inspiring more and more customers with our service," says Florian Teuteberg, CEO and Managing Director of Digitec Galaxus and its subsidiary Galaxus Deutschland GmbH. "The basis of our success is our wide range of products with attractive prices, good availability and fast delivery." Nowadays, however, the decisive factor is whether shopping is convenient and enjoyable.

"Online stores don't just have to look pretty and offer a simple product search - they have to inspire," says Florian. At Galaxus and Digitec, this is achieved through editorial content, clever purchase suggestions and exchanges with the community. "This is what sets us apart from the competition." The online retailer is also increasingly focusing on transparency, be it in terms of price history, environmental footprint or warranty and return rates.

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