Livesystems: New and even more precise performance data for DOOH
Anyone planning cross-media campaigns needs precise and easy-to-use performance values for the various media types. For the first time, such reliable, comprehensive and comparable data is now available for the Livesystems inventory. The performance data was collected by Intervista.
Digital Out of Home (DOOH) is one of the rising stars in the advertising market. Digital advertising screens are now indispensable, especially for nationwide, cross-media campaigns. However, media planning based on reliable reach data has been limited until now. That is why the Post-Advertising subsidiary Livesystems begun to identify new and comprehensive performance measures for the networks and offerings.
"Since the methodology of SPR+ was originally designed for analog street posters, a large part of our DOOH screens cannot be mapped. We therefore had to evaluate a different methodology for DOOH," explains Oliver Egger, Managing Director Media and Advertising Market at Swiss Post. "With the single-source approach of the independent market research institute Intervista, we found an ideal solution for surveying the performance values of Livesystems." According to Egger, it is the most modern contact measurement in Switzerland, collected according to scientific standards. For media agencies and advertisers, he says, it is now possible to integrate the full reality of DOOH into their targeted media planning.
Measurement of effective contacts
Livesystems' DOOH inventory was measured using Intervista's representative Footprints panel. The panel comprises around 3,000 people and is based on smartphone tracking. The app uses beacons and mobility data to measure contact with Livesystems' DOOH screens. This method makes a crucial difference for advertisers: they know not only the number of potential contacts, but also those of the effective net contacts.
Linking the measurement data with the anonymous profile characteristics of the panel participants also enables advertisers to conduct an in-depth analysis and gain a better understanding of their target groups. In addition to the number of people who have been in contact with a particular screen, they receive valuable information such as gender breakdown, indications of age, region of residence and household income.
DOOH achieves high reach
The performance figures determined show that the Livesystems ecosystem achieves a net reach of 88 percent within a six-week campaign period. Six million people with Swiss residence between the ages of 15 and 79 are reached with the respective DOOH campaign.
For advertisers, this means that anyone who occupies Livesystems' DOOH advertising space on public transport for two weeks generates more than 30 million gross contacts with a net reach of 2.85 million people, according to Livesystems.
Targeting campaigns precisely
The new performance values are published in Livesystems' "Inventory Finder" planning tool and updated at least every six months. Post Advertising uses the data to target its advertising customers' cross-media campaigns even more precisely. This means that customers can now also be provided with valid and precise performance values for digital outdoor advertising, "including gross and net reach, reach as a percentage, reach development and insights into their respective target groups," says Egger. "This data enables companies to advertise where it has the greatest impact."