Women's titles carry circulation mini

Wemf circulation statistics II: Magazine market Magazines lost a net 75,000 copies in 2002.

Wemf circulation statistics II: Magazine market Magazines lost a net 75,000 copies in 2002.
Weltwoche and Zeitlupe are on the rise, while Facts, Stocks and Du are losing circulation: the changes in magazine circulation could not be more ambivalent this year. On the one hand, seven of this year's ten biggest winners among all print media (see "Tops and flops") belong to the magazine category. On balance, they gained around 25,000 copies. At the same time, however, this category accounted for almost half of the 23 biggest losers. The losses of the eleven titles, each of which lost six or more percent, add up to around 100,000 copies. The bottom line is a negative balance of 75,000 copies - an irony of the current print media crisis: Zeitlupe, a newspaper for senior citizens, achieved by far the biggest growth last year, with a gain from 6,859 to 6,6911 copies (see also p. 3). Weltwoche and Facts offered a veritable surprise in the turbulent circulation year 2002. The Jean-Frey paper, which had been declared (apparently) dead several times, has now been certified as a magazine for the first time and has overtaken the Tamedia news magazine at full throttle - a development that hardly anyone would have thought possible until recently. On the eve of the switch to magazine format, Weltwoche had certified 84,957 copies (based on 2001), while the Tamedia news magazine was still the undisputed leader at that time with an impressive 10,3363 copies. With Weltwoche's now respectable gain (+6137 copies) and the simultaneous massive circulation cut at Facts (-23163 copies), this ranking has changed abruptly: Weltwoche is now positioned with a comfortable lead of over 10,000 copies over Facts - a lead that will be difficult for Facts to catch up with.
Weakness in women's titlesA disappointing result was achieved by the women's press in German-speaking Switzerland. Even though the departure of Meyer's last year meant one less competitor in the market. With a huge drop of 26,315 copies, Annabelle lost more than a quarter of its previous circulation. The symbolic 100,000-copy mark, which the Tamedia magazine had just managed to maintain in previous years, is now definitely a thing of the past.
Bolero has also suffered massive cutbacks - and with a loss of 4,500 copies, has had to cope with the biggest slump in its history. Similar to Tamedia, "a streamlining of the circulation" led to the losses, explains Bolero advertising manager Susanne Frischknecht. "We have removed many free subscriptions and reduced target group sales," says Frischknecht.
An indication that women have not generally become tired of reading is provided by Glückspost, which only lost 1,391 copies. Or Schweizer Illustrierte, which is also predominantly bought by women and was even able to slightly increase its circulation at a high level.
Observers back at the top
The Beobachter provided a surprise. Despite growth of only 300 copies, it managed to recapture the top spot in the Swiss-German magazine market, which it had had to cede to K-Tipp for several years. This was made possible by a slump at K-Tipp, which, after a huge dip in 2001, again had 9,349 fewer copies certified. Part of this loss is probably due to cannibalization within the company. The advertising-free sister magazine Saldo was able to increase its circulation by 3589 copies. However, Puls-Tipp bled even more than K-Tipp, losing 11654 copies. The magazine GesundheitSprechstunde provides an indication of where buyers may have migrated to: after climbing in previous years, the Ringier magazine once again gained an impressive 4679 copies this time.
Newspapers in German-speaking SwitzerlandTitles 2001 2002 %
SonntagsBlick 336336 312312 -7.1
View 309444 292292 -5.5
Tages-Anzeiger 250000 234518 -6.2
SonntagsZeitung 221100 202100 -8.6
Mittelland Zeitung 197688 193665 -2.0
Neue Zürcher Zeitung 170113 166291 -2.2
Berner Zeitung 162202 163000 +0.5
Southeastern Switzerland 138933 138257 -0.5
Neue Luzerner Zeitung 133820 133304 -0.4
St. Galler Tagblatt 110502 110209 -0.3
Basler Zeitung 109095 103649 -5.0
The Confederation 68212 66242 -2.9
Cash 68088 60606 -11.0
PCtip 56074 60060 +7.1
Zürichsee Zeitung 47494 47023 -1.0
Der Landbote 46724 48016 +2.8
Neue Thurgauer Zeitung 47919 46976 -2.0
Finance and economy 50397 44308 -12.1
Zürcher Oberländer 44118 43846 -0.6
HandelsZeitung 35571 33044 -7.1
Bieler Tagblatt 31456 32453 +3.2
Walliser Bote 27493 27459 -0.1
Schaffhauser Nachrichten 26198 26206 --
Basellandschaftliche Zeitung 24535 24003 -2.2
Online PC newspaper 21772 21362 -1.9
Freiburger Nachrichten 16470 16330 -0.9
WoZ 14210 13213 -7.0
Newspapers Western Switzerland and TicinoTitles 2001 2002 %
Le matin dimanche 215049 203838 -5.2
24 heures 88043 88543 +0.6
Tribune de Genève 76708 75029 -2.2
Le matin semaine 65498 66531 +1.6
Le temps 53522 52112 -2.6
Nouvelliste 42150 42694 +1.3
Corriere del Ticino 39589 39855 +0.7
La Liberté 37783 38238 +1.2
La Regione 32901 33062 +0.5
L'Express 29059 29028 -0.1
La Presse Riviera-Chablais 24986 24197 -3.2
Giornale del Popolo 27396 22045 -24.3
L'Impartial 21025 20940 -0.4
Magazines in German-speaking SwitzerlandTitles 2001 2002 %
Observer 335226 335561 +0.1
K-Tip 337486 328137 -2.8
Schweizer Illustrierte 254657 255777 +0.4
NZZ Folio 224394 221303 -1.4
Tele 223739 214214 -4.3
The best 184388 170799 -7.3
TR 7 168036 169035 +0.6
Lucky mail 170128 168737 -0.8
Balance 161277 164866 +2.2
Swiss family 155724 160000 +2.7
Pulse tip 139409 127755 -8.3
Weltwoche (84957) 91094 +7.2
HealthConsultation hours 78416 83095 +6.0
Facts 103363 80200 -22.4
Annabelle 100015 73700 -26.3
Animal world 71156 71867 +1.0
Slow motion 60052 66911 +11.4
Balance sheet 55377 47402 -14.6
We parents 41978 43082 +2.6
K-money 42974 42096 -2.0
Automobil Revue 41046 38237 -7.3
Auto Illustrierte 24421 24812 +1.6
Bolero 27066 22473 -17.0
Stocks 26982 21124 -21.7
Fit for Life 20259 20856 +2.9
Pegasus 21662 20360 -6.0
You 21800 17600 -19.3
Magazines Western Switzerland and TicinoTitle 2001 2002 %
Bon à savoir 102904 104251 +1.3
L'Illustré 96084 93187 -3.0
Sélection 61796 56986 -7.8
TV8 53062 53268 +0.4
L'Hebdo 50466 48207 -4.5
Générations 40797 41368 +1.4
Cuisine de Saison 38658 39458 +2.1
Terre et Nature 25760 26482 +2.7
Edelweiss 25199 25467 +1.1
Animan 22933 22933 --
Balance 19930 19894 -0.2
Revue Automobil 18976 17767 -6.4
Cucina di Stagione 11581 11959 +3.3
Daniel Schifferle

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