"Process mining, can you?": Live Lab for Celonis

Live Lab implemented a brand awareness campaign for Celonis in Zurich. The focus was not only on addressing key accounts and generating leads, but also on the creative symbiosis with OOH elements.

Celonis has made it its mission to make processes usable for people, companies and the planet. The OOH campaign, consisting of digital and analog posters in the minimalist Celonis design, followed this motto. The Swiss-German message "Prozess Mining, kännsch?" on the posters conveyed a cheeky approach with local color. Addressing key accounts directly, such as "Hoi ABB", personalized the communication to strengthen the bond with existing partners. The hook of the copy, that companies can save up to one million francs through process mining, was intended to confidently attract attention.

The resolution of how process mining actually works was provided on the campaign landing page through three success stories. In all three stories, the credibility of the campaign's statements was addressed in a discussion between colleagues and underpinned with further facts.

In addition to OOH and online measures, the most important accounts were approached live on site: Celonis relied on a guerrilla measure for account-based marketing. A sustainable Velopresso coffee bike distributed not only coffee but also the seasonal Swiss specialty Vermicelles. Without a motor or noise, the coffee bike created a relaxed atmosphere for conversation and became the central point of contact for a direct exchange with the Celonis ambassadors. Here, too, visitors were able to actively engage with the topic of process mining via the success stories and call them up on a retro telephone.

To further increase awareness of the brand, Live Lab's Motion team for social media accompanied the on-site activities with photos and videos and filled the editorial plan of Celonis' social media channels with content over a period of two weeks. The combination of innovative marketing measures and a personal approach was intended to establish Celonis as a key partner in the process mining sector in Zurich.

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