Klar brings the new Rhaetian Railway campaign to the rails

Klar's current campaign for the Rhaetian Railway is intended to help reduce the current shortage of train drivers and at the same time build up the next generation.

Specifically, the aim is to find train drivers who would like to retrain. The campaign also aims to appeal to career changers who would like to complete training.

However, prospective RhB train drivers who live outside the canton have to move to Graubünden in order for employment to be possible at all. As the Graubünden mountain landscape is a strong argument for a change of residence, not only professionally but also for leisure time, Klar has designed a campaign that combines professional and private life and focuses on the experience of nature.

Five subjects were created for the print and online campaign using existing images from various tourism regions. The core of the aggregation is the campaign landing page. Together with Ad.X, which specializes in HR media, a media mix was defined that reaches the target groups via OOH, print, online portals and social media channels. The campaign was activated in mid-December and will run until February.

Responsible at RhB: Ladina Waser, Lea Kaspar, Sereina Egli. Responsible Agency: Clearly employer branding. Media: Ad.X.

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