Making quality tangible
Hirslanden's quality report, created by Contexta, breaks new ground in multi-channeling.
The Hirslanden private hospital group has been publishing an annual and quality report for several years. This does not focus on the publication of key financial figures. Rather, the aim is to bring the high quality of service provision, quality management and important quality indicators such as patient satisfaction and patient safety closer to an interested audience.
But this interested audience is extremely heterogeneous - from patients to referring physicians to incumbent national councillors - and usually has a tight time budget. For this reason, Hirslanden and Contexta have decided on a quality report that breaks new ground: instead of presenting rather dry quality figures on paper, quality is to be made tangible in an emotionally involving way.
The result is a personal quality report of a fictitious patient. The heart of the report is Vanessa's diary. Vanessa writes about her experiences during a stay at a Hirslanden clinic. As a journalist, she is naturally a curious person and likes to take a look behind the scenes of everyday hospital life. In an attention-grabbing and moving way, quality is thematized in all its dimensions.
Vanessa's Diary is a multi-channel concept including an interactive short film, blog and social media integration. "Unlike in previous years, this year we wanted to consistently focus on the patient's perspective," says Frank Nehlig, Head of Corporate Communications at Hirslanden Group. "This patient perspective and the use of a modern storytelling concept creates maximum proximity and relevance for our reference groups in the process."
Responsible at Hirslanden: Nina Bieli (Project Manager Corporate Communications), Frank Nehlig (Head of Corporate Communications). Responsible agency: Contexta. Production: Dynamic Frame, Zurich. Directed by: Dominik Locher. Photo: Anja Wille-Schori and Claude Gasser. Website/Blog: Comotive, Solothurn.