Impact through Purpose
Two advertising cases prove that (moving image) advertising works precisely when it follows a purpose: These are the lessons learned from the "Flutwein" and "AXA Women's Super League" campaigns.
Only eleven percent of the advertising that hits recipients every day via various channels is actively perceived by them - that's what the Havas data scientist Dr. Laura Graf in interview. So how do advertisers get into the range of this "magic eleven percent"? How are they "perceived"? Two recent cases prove that impact can be achieved precisely when advertising is driven by purpose. Both the "Flutwein" campaign and the Communication around the "AXA Women's Super League were designed in response to current challenges and thus ensured sustainable success.
Support women's football
AXA Switzerland is considered the "number one in the national insurance market" and backs this up with impressive figures: Around two million private and business customers in the non-life and life insurance lines, a market share of 40 percent among small and medium-sized companies, and a business volume of 5.7 billion Swiss francs per year speak for themselves.
Nevertheless, in 2018 the brand realized that it had to evolve if it wanted to retain its relevance. This should be done on the one hand by implementing the slogan "Know You Can" - and on the other hand by "filling this slogan with life". A purpose that can be implemented and understood by all Swiss regions, that the general public understands, and that demonstrates that self-confidence can take you far was needed.
First sponsoring partner in five decades
The same was finally found in the sponsorship of the highest Swiss women's football league - AXA became the first main sponsor since the league was founded more than five decades ago and thus, according to those responsible, not only provided "concrete proof for the claim 'Know You Can', but also a sustainable contribution to women's football and women in sport in general".
"Good cause, good channel, good storytelling - and a phenomenal impact!"
The sponsorship was communicated via a "video first" approach in the run-up to and during the 2022 European Women's Football Championship. In social media, but especially during TV broadcasts of matches, AXA was put in the spotlight as a sponsor of sports - which was reflected, among other things, in a consideration increase of 7 percent, a balanced earned-to-paid media ratio and an increase in engagement awareness of 44 percent. The learning: good purpose, good channel, good timing - good impact!
"Flood wine": the worst vintage
Long since disappeared from the headlines, but neither forgotten nor processed, especially by those affected, is the flood that devastated the region around the German episcopal city of Trier and the wine-growing region of the Ahr Valley in the night of June 14-15, 2021. Countless people lost their livelihoods, some their lives - and reconstruction continues to this day.
The creative marketing company Seven.One AdFactory was practically directly affected by the catastrophe due to family connections of an employee. This employee reported about the finished wine bottles in the Ahr valley, which could have been salvaged from the mud - and which should have secured the annual income of the local winegrowers. But now everything is gone, the whole turnover is gone. Seven.One AdFactory, however, did not want to lose the "flood wine"; it produced impressive video spots for TV and social media on a voluntary basis, which, among other things, were to "bring the stories of the bottles to life" with acoustic recordings of the flood. And they succeeded: the vintage, "with a bitter aftertaste on the finish," sold like hot cakes - supported by the moving image campaign and accompanying DOOH measures. All of the sales benefited those affected.
"Seven.One AdFactory didn't want to lose the 'flood wine'."
And: What began as a relief campaign in 2021 continues to this day. The "Flutwein" campaign has won dozens of global creative awards, and the initiators have used the attention each time to commemorate the disaster in the Ahr Valley. In February 2023, they also unveiled the "Museum of Modern Ahrts," which is also dedicated to commemoration. So here too: good purpose, good channel, good storytelling - and a phenomenal impact!
This article is part of the m&k extra on Screenforce Day 2023.