Process creates a new brand for 21st century cash

With an app, Sonect opens up new possibilities for cash withdrawals without ATMs. The inventors of the app turned to Process to develop the brand strategy and design.


In times when almost every company offers digital payment options, it seems crazy to develop an app that puts cash at the center. At least until you take a closer look at the development of demand. After all, it is primarily the banks that would like to reduce the annual costs of maintaining ATMs. For most people, however, cash is still a popular and trustworthy means of payment.

Cash without ATMs

The Swiss fintech start-up Sonect offers a solution to this conflict of interest. Users can use the Sonect app to withdraw cash from their account at any participating store or even via delivery services. This increases flexibility for the user, while participating stores can easily expand their range of services and attract new customers from the neighborhood.

Cash with "Human Touch"

In addition to flexibility and freedom for the customer, it is also important for the brand to enliven neighborhoods and build communities. Sonect is intended to be a clear alternative to the seemingly technical digital payment apps and bring people together. Instead of withdrawing money anonymously from ATMs, people interact with each other in neighboring stores, which in turn benefit from additional footfall. In this sense, the app also wants to make a small contribution to a lively neighborhood.


Adaptable and likeable

The brand designed by Process for Sonect with the central idea "Sonect City" consistently implements this vision. The appearance is modern, conveys professionalism and lives from the friendly, circular illustrations that depict scenes from life with a wink. The illustration style is designed to grow organically with the company and tell a variety of possible stories. This means that each advertising medium can be tailored to the participating business through simple adaptations and, for example, emphasize the regional reference. The language for Sonect also adapts to the respective dialect and therefore varies depending on the environment.

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