CRK and Aroma are new lead agencies of Swissgrid

In the future, the agency consortium of Aroma and CRK will provide conceptual and strategic support to the national grid company Swissgrid for internal and external communication projects as well as the entire implementation of communication measures.

"Our decision to choose CRK and Aroma as Swissgrid's new lead agency was not only based on their understanding of Swissgrid's initial situation and framework. The creative execution as well as the high competence in digital communication were also convincing," says Michelle Roth, Head of Communication & Stakeholder Management at Swissgrid.

"We wanted to show that we can fill the role of a lead agency, but that we also bring ideas and enthusiasm to the table in order to communicate the wide variety of topics related to Swissgrid's tasks to very different target groups in a gripping way. This is important, because the reliable and economical supply of energy - and of that, more and more electricity - has long since ceased to be a niche topic for experts, but belongs at the top of the public agenda," adds Oliver Wimmer, partner at CRK and head of mandate for the agency community.

Aroma and CRK have been working closely together for several years on various mandates and projects, including Energie Schweiz's multi-year "renewable heating" campaign or the National Climate Day, which will take place on May 27, 2021.

Responsible at Aroma and CRK: Oliver Wimmer (Head of Mandate and Strategy), Philipp Hänggli (Deputy Head of Mandate), Max Eschler (Multimedia Production), Lena Klein (Art Direction), Geraldine Neeser (Consulting), Louise Riis Ruggaber (Brand Design), Moritz Staehelin (Creative Direction), Mauro Testerini (Creative Direction 3D), Christina Utz (Digital), Monika Wüthrich (Corporate Publishing).

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