Brown Bag Talk on the topic "Brand vs. Marketing
On April 4, 2023, Brown Bag Talks will discuss whether building brand equity over the long term is still worthwhile - and how sales goals can be reconciled with it.
Brand leadership - successful corporate management through the power of strong brands - is a recipe for success for excellent companies with a view to brand value and corporate value. But this success needs a vision, a clear strategy and, above all, consistency and perseverance in implementation. How can such a long-term approach be reconciled with often rather short-term sales or revenue targets? What is the relationship between long-term brand (further) development and sales targets?
In this edition of the Brown Bag series, the focus is on the starting points and challenges of brand leadership. How can brand leadership still succeed in these fast-paced times? How can we take account of long-term and short-term objectives in the area of tension between brand and marketing? And where are the limits?
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