Nominated for "Advertiser of the Year": David Schärer, Rod Kommunikation
David Schärer, founding partner of Rod Kommunikation, has been nominated for "Advertiser of the Year" 2019.
This is not his first nomination for "Advertiser of the Year": after 2012 and 2017, the Basel native, who Weltwoche recently described as the "Swiss master of generating attention", has been nominated for the most important personal award in the Swiss creative industry for the third time.
Schärer, who became fascinated by advertising as a teenager thanks to the Stop AIDS campaign and the legendary Basel agency GGK, sought a career in communication by training at a design school. "Because I thought that doing advertising meant being a graphic designer". He wasn't bad at it, but had to admit to himself that others were more talented. "I would probably have ended up as a mediocre designer in a mediocre agency".
He is not. It was at Jung von Matt, where he most recently headed the PR unit, that he met his future agency partners, with whom he launched Rod Kommunikation in 2007. The strategic planner, Regula Bührer Fecker, the "R" in Rod, joined the agency as "very young assistants" in 2000, as Schärer explains. The two have now been working side by side for almost two decades and run Rod together with the third agency partner, Pablo Koerfer, who heads the agency as Managing Director.
Rod Kommunikation has created many influential campaigns in the twelve years of its existence. Formative because Rod campaigns often become veritable media events and their messages are widely discussed by the public. This is not due to chance, but is the signature of David Schärer and his team. The ability to create public impact is an integral part of Rod's campaigns. Schärer helps shape and plan campaigns for the Operation Libero movement, where he is a board member. Although this commitment means even more work alongside his busy working life, for Schärer it is a matter close to his heart.
Twelve years after founding the company, Rod is constantly reinventing himself and has never lost his desire to be "different". "The way we work is becoming increasingly collaborative," says the 44-year-old. "We are adapting to this by offering Rod's strengths in a more contemporary model." For example, we sometimes simply contribute the publicity part to overall campaigns, which also leads to interesting co-creation with other agencies, says Schärer. Last fall, for example, they worked together with Havas in this way: While the other side was responsible for the paid media part of the "How are you?" campaign, Rod launched an agenda-setting campaign on the topic of mental health. But collaboration with customers is also becoming more participatory, observes Schärer. "A campaign like LOVE LIFE is created in close collaboration with the client; today we tend to form a campaign team instead of the classic client and agency relationship." For Schärer, permanent change is the prerequisite for long-term success, which is why communication in particular should never be principled, he says. "Communication must do justice to the spirit of the times, and it can only do that if it is vivid. You have to recognize the signs of the times and adapt to them".
"No Billag would have had devastating consequences for advertisers. I am very proud that Rod made a significant contribution to a No vote of more than 70 percent with the campaign concept for the "No to the end of broadcasting" committee and for Operation Libero."
"This work is still dewy-eyed, has achieved great media resonance and record-breaking click rates. Watson even published a glowing review of the film, pointing out that it was not a paid native ad, "which makes the euphoric reporting all the worse." The basic idea: "Swisscom TV is digital television in the best quality and always a little better, even in the smallest detail, which is why we have restaged the most boring thing television has to offer with the best director in Switzerland at the moment: The Cheminée Fire."
"With these videos, Rod has succeeded in setting another peak with this exposed campaign. The videos were awarded ADC Gold."
"A little over a year old now, but the very first campaign to win a silver medal in my core discipline of PR at the ADC. And it contributed to a Gold Effie last year."
Werbewoche: David Schärer, what was your first thought when you heard about the nomination for Advertiser of the Year?
David Schärer: Joy. I'm happy about the recognition I receive from my colleagues. After all, they are also competitors, and this goodwill makes me genuinely happy and proud of what I have achieved together with Regula and Pablo and, of course, the whole team.
In general: What does advertising mean to you?
In general: the art of attracting attention and getting a message into the minds and hearts of as many people as possible. For me personally: a profession and a vocation.
Looking back on 2018: What was your personal highlight of the advertising year?
My personal highlight was that Rod managed to win the tender for the LOVE LIFE campaign again. This campaign is close to my heart and one of my earliest advertising memories. This campaign ultimately led me into this profession and I am very proud to have been able to help shape it for several years. I was also particularly pleased that its effectiveness was recognized last year with a Gold Effie. The highlight for our industry was the clear no to "No Billag", to which Rod also made a major contribution and was also a matter close to my heart.
In which area did your agency improve last year compared to the previous year?
In three dimensions: Firstly, Rod has changed significantly, we have focused our offering even more clearly on our strengths and no longer only offer strategy, content and publicity as part of overall campaigns, but now also individually. This leads to stronger and more consistent collaboration with clients, but also with other agencies. Secondly, some very great and high-profile people have come on board. First and foremost, Mateo Sacchetti has joined the management team, and with the Safer Sex Check films for Love Life we have once again set a new benchmark together. And thirdly, Rod has always attached great importance to the effectiveness of campaigns; our collaboration with Love Life was awarded a Gold Effie last year and our collaboration with Credit Suisse a Bronze.
What do you think your agency is particularly strong at?
A typical Rod campaign moves Switzerland and radiates far beyond the classic advertising formats. Over the past five years, the campaign messages of various clients have resonated on over fifty front pages and push alerts and in the form of hundreds of unpaid articles and posts. I believe we are very good at using a clever strategy and meticulously planned implementation to stage our clients' messages as a kind of major event and achieve maximum agenda setting effects.
Where do you see the biggest current challenges in the advertising and communications industry?
The biggest challenge is to ensure that we manage to be and remain attractive as an industry for the talent of tomorrow. If we succeed in attracting the best talent to the advertising and communications industry, we will also solve all other problems.
What makes you confident that it will continue to be fun to work in your industry in the future?
The industry has always been characterized by constant change and is probably always very early to changes in the economy and society. Our Creative Director Mateo always says that "New now!" is the most important thing in our profession and I absolutely agree with him. Reinventing things and creating value requires immense imagination - as well as the courage and perseverance to follow new paths consistently. I consider it a great privilege to be able to do this and to have the opportunity to work with people with this talent.
How do you think the advertising and communications industry is perceived "from the outside"? Is its reputation good enough?
The fact that our work is the lubricant of the economy and an important contribution to the success of our democracy is insufficiently recognized and perceived. We should definitely change this.
Is there anything that bothers you about your industry?
Who has influenced you the most professionally?
In everyday life, of course, my partners Regula Bührer Fecker and Pablo Koerfer and my friends from GL Marco Meroni and Mateo Sacchetti. Historically Edward Bernays and Howard Luck Gossage. Bernays' campaigns would still win in the content category today, a hundred years later, and Gossage anticipated social media back in the 1960s. Reading their works is still a great inspiration for me.
What has been the most difficult decision of your career so far?
Giving up a management position in a renowned agency at the age of 32 to set up her own agency with Regula and then Oliver Fennel with no money on hand and money borrowed from her parents for the share capital.
And which one the best?
Giving up a management position in a renowned agency at the age of 32 to set up her own agency with Regula and then Oliver Fennel with no money on hand and money borrowed from her parents for the share capital.
Where would you work if not in the communications industry?
I might try my hand at writing or directing a play.
What are your strengths?
Many people have ideas, but I think I'm very good at bringing ideas to life. And I have a knack for bringing people together.
And where do you prefer to let others in the team take the lead?
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Generous, enthusiastic, serious.
How would you describe your leadership style?
Generous and inspiring with a big confidence bonus.
You are given a day off tomorrow: how do you organize it?
On the first train to Paris in time for lunch. Then a walk through the streets followed by an aperitif in the Marais. Then back on the last train. The train ride would be dedicated to reading a current book.
Which superpower would you choose if you had the choice?
I would like to be able to remember and memorize everything.
Why would you be a good "Advertiser of the Year"?
I believe that with almost twelve years of entrepreneurial experience and almost 20 years of work, I have been able to help shape campaigns that have moved Switzerland. As Advertiser of the Year, I would use my large network to represent our industry in the best possible way - and to introduce young talents to the fascination of our great profession.
The election procedure: The online election will take place next week (week 13). All subscribers to the MK Werbewoche Expodata newsletter are eligible to vote. The vote of the readership contributes 50 percent to the decision. The other 50 percent is contributed by the expert jury - each member may cast one vote for one of the three nominees. The winner will be announced on April 17 at the Best of Swiss Web Award Night in the Samsung Hall Zurich.
Interview with David Schärer