ADC Switzerland: New appearance, more self-marketing and a tool for female high potentials

At this year's ADC Switzerland general meeting, the attendees agreed: ADC should get a bigger platform and also deal with new topics such as Generation Z.

Matthias Ackeret, Hanna Jackl and Thomas Wildberger with the ADC Yearbook 2023.

Last week, the 48th general meeting of ADC Switzerland took place. The club now has more than 200 members from various sectors of the creative industry. "The great, cross-generational and cross-sector knowledge must not simply fizzle out and merely flash up once a year at our Creative Days and the ADC judging. We want ADC to be permanent, to become everyday in the best sense of the word," said President Thomas Wildberger.

In order to give this power more voice, all present agreed to the proposal to understand and invest in ADC as an even richer platform in the future. Accordingly, the website is to be revised, a new corporate design including a modified logo is to be implemented and relevant content for the entire communications industry is to be conveyed through professional ADC self-marketing. To this end, an editor-in-chief has been hired to ensure that, in addition to the classic ADC content on creativity, thought leadership also takes place and topics such as Generation Z, ESG Empowerment, Mentoring or Tech Chance are covered in an up-to-date and inspiring manner. With this offensive, ADC wants to anchor itself at the forefront of industry awareness and thus remain true to its motto: Show how it's done.

Leadership Program for Women

The ADC Forward initiative, the tailor-made leadership program for female high potentials, also continues. ADC has developed a tool to promote women in creative positions. The tool finds out whether too few female leaders were involved in a submitted work and calculates a compensation payment, which in turn benefits the ADC Forward initiative.

After ten years on the board, Peter Brönnimann retired from this function. He was honored by Thomas Wildberger with a gold cube. All other members remain on the board of ADC Switzerland - Livio Dainese, Hanja Heuss, Michael Hinderling, Stefanie Huber, Andy Lusti, Gordon Nemitz, Michelle Nicol, Inken Rohweder von Trotha, Romana Schmidtpeter, Raul Serrat, Philipp Skrabal. And Thomas Wildberger also serves another year as president.

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