Ad fraud is up according to Digital Ad Trust Report
For the fourth quarter of 2021, the Digital Ad Trust Report notes slightly better visibility values - despite the strong Christmas quarter in terms of bookings; only the mobile rectangle defies the trend. Ad fraud remains at a low level - also in international comparison - but is up 33 percent on Q3. In contrast, the brand safety values surveyed by IAS fell sharply in the quarter under review to just 0.02%.
Slightly better visibility rates
According to the report, overall viewability across all formats increased by 1.2% to 63.9% in the fourth quarter of 2021. This is all the more pleasing in view of the high-booking Christmas quarter, where viewability values usually suffer, writes IAB Switzerland in a statement.
The medium rectangle and the wideboard were even able to significantly increase their values on desktop by up to 4 percentage points. Only the mobile rectangle lost 4 percentage points in visibility - but this is almost exclusively due to a single large publisher.
Ad Fraud (SIVT) rises by 33%, but remains low
The ad fraud rate rose again in the fourth quarter by 0.28 percentage points and now stands at 1.12% across all channels. Although this figure is still low by international standards, it is the second sharp increase in succession.
Fire safety values drop sharply
After an increase in the previous quarter, the brand safety values surveyed by IAS are now at a very low level. Fortunately, the increase from the third quarter has been more than corrected, according to the IAB Switzerland Association.