Ad fraud is up according to Digital Ad Trust Report

For the fourth quarter of 2021, the Digital Ad Trust Report notes slightly better visibility values - despite the strong Christmas quarter in terms of bookings; only the mobile rectangle defies the trend. Ad fraud remains at a low level - also in international comparison - but is up 33 percent on Q3. In contrast, the brand safety values surveyed by IAS fell sharply in the quarter under review to just 0.02%.

Ad Fraud ist Digital Ad Trust Report zufolge gestiegenSlightly better visibility rates

According to the report, overall viewability across all formats increased by 1.2% to 63.9% in the fourth quarter of 2021. This is all the more pleasing in view of the high-booking Christmas quarter, where viewability values usually suffer, writes IAB Switzerland in a statement.

The medium rectangle and the wideboard were even able to significantly increase their values on desktop by up to 4 percentage points. Only the mobile rectangle lost 4 percentage points in visibility - but this is almost exclusively due to a single large publisher.

(Source: Digital Ad Trust Report)
(Source: Digital Ad Trust Report)

Ad Fraud (SIVT) rises by 33%, but remains low

The ad fraud rate rose again in the fourth quarter by 0.28 percentage points and now stands at 1.12% across all channels. Although this figure is still low by international standards, it is the second sharp increase in succession.

(Source: Digital Ad Trust Report)

Fire safety values drop sharply

After an increase in the previous quarter, the brand safety values surveyed by IAS are now at a very low level. Fortunately, the increase from the third quarter has been more than corrected, according to the IAB Switzerland Association.

(Source: Digital Ad Trust Report)

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