Wunderman Thompson for SBB: When nature moves in at the station
The Zurich-based agency Wunderman Thompson brings the Green Station project in Delémont to life visually and acoustically for SBB.
From 2021 to 2023, the Delémont train station will be transformed into the first ecological train station. Under the motto "Green station" concrete structural measures are implemented and tested for their effectiveness - from the photovoltaic system on the station building to the green roof of the bicycle parking lot. Step by step, sustainable green oases are being created for people and nature.
The station goes green
A campaign is now being launched to highlight the positive consequences: Sympathetic representatives of local biodiversity such as the peacock butterfly are settling for once on typical station elements.
In addition to a targeted media mix, on-site communication plays a crucial role in making people aware of SBB's commitment to greater sustainability and an enhanced quality of stay.
The planned measures are made visible by means of labels and refer via QR code to the landing page for the respective project information.
This is how biodiversity sounds
In addition, a listening experience awaits visitors in the pedestrian underpass. A specially designed audio installation sets the mood for the numerous projects and brings nature acoustically into the station. The diverse soundscapes were recorded in local meadows and forests and change in the course of the day from morning forest and flower meadow to biotope and night forest.
Accompanying information boards with facts about bumblebees, earthworms and co. close the loop to the projects for more sustainability and biodiversity at the station.
The first structural measures, such as the photovoltaic system, are already in progress, the track stumps have been planted with greenery and disused drop leaf indicators have been converted into plant boxes. Asphalt surfaces on parking lots and platforms are gradually being unsealed and greened. This allows the soil to breathe again, store valuable water and small wildflower meadows to flourish, which in turn become a source of food for native butterflies, bees, beetles, insects, worms and birds. SBB coordinates the suitable plant species with Pro Natura Jura.
The campaign can now be seen in and around the Delémont train station, as well as online and on social media. Further measures are planned.
Responsible at SBB Real Estate: Men-Duri Guetg (Product & Project Management), François Feix (Head of Construction Projects Region West), Bruno Ulrich (Product Manager Station Concepts). Responsible at Wunderman Thompson: Benjamin Franken (ECD), Davide Schenker, Sonja Gross (AD), Julia Staub (Text), Stephanie Van Maanen (Consulting), Curdin Montalta (DTP), Dany Boletas (UX/UI Designer, Screen Designer), Idea and Sound (Soundscapes).