Swisscom digs more nuggets from the green mine

In its current circular economy campaign, Swisscom is calling on people to return old cell phones. The launch spot "Urbane Mine" is now followed by three in-depth films on the same communication platform, penned by Andy Lusti and Susen Gehle.

When it comes to recycling, Switzerland is one of the leading nations. But when it comes to returning old cell phones to the cycle, many hesitate. Be it because they are not aware of the benefits of the valuable raw materials for the environment, because they are afraid for their data or because they have simply forgotten about their old devices. "In three social media films, we provide the population with targeted information and clear up prejudices in a playful way," explains Daniel Fisler, project manager at Swisscom.

Close the circle

How the raw material cycle works in detail is shown in an "explanatory token. In order to reach the target group on social media in the best possible way, the spot was shot directly in portrait format 9:16.

"Our aspiration was to create an explanatory video that also works on social media. The 'cycle' was not only the central component of the briefing, it is also the idea for the concept, the film language and the editing," explains the responsible creative director Andy Lusti.

Your cellar: The greenest mine in the world

The co-president of the Swiss Geologists Association explains what treasures lie dormant in Swiss households and why urban mining is more sustainable than conventional raw material extraction.

The independent expert explains the advantages of urban mining and shows how everyone can help the environment. Because only if the old devices are actually returned, the fallow raw materials can be used for new smartphones.

In the third film, users are asked to look for their old cell phones - and the most urgent questions of the target group are answered at the same time.

A harmless quip in the cellar at home turns into a fast-paced hunt for old cell phones through half the city. In addition to valuable raw materials, the two opponents bag numerous laughs. "With ever-changing arguments, the challenge takes many surprising turns and even finds time for some heart fluttering - before the cell phone hunt ends to a big winner: The environment," explains Creative Director Susen Gehle with a smile.

Like the opening film and the campaign subjects, these communication measures were also created by the two creative directors Andy Lusti and Susen Gehle and implemented together with Mcqueen Films. "The biggest challenge was to produce all four spots and the three visuals in parallel. The fact that this worked out so excellently is certainly thanks to the flexibility of everyone involved and the exemplary teamwork," says Clemens Petersson, Executive Producer of Mcqueen Films.

The three spots have been on-air since last week and showcase Swisscom's commitment to the circular economy.

Client: Swisscom Switzerland. Creation & Conception: Andy Lusti, Susen Gehle. Film production: Mcqueen Films. Directed by: Ari Zehnder. Social media: Monami.

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