One Marketing and Caritas say yes to a world without poverty
With a publicity campaign, the Caritas association and One Marketing point out that the fight against poverty and thus also the work of Caritas is more urgent than ever.
The fact that Caritas Switzerland is now going public with the need to fight global poverty is no coincidence: The pandemic wiped out many successes in the fight against poverty and has caused global poverty to rise again for the first time since 2020. Today, the world faces a multiple crisis. The long-term consequences of the Corona pandemic, advancing climate heating and the war in Ukraine are dramatically exacerbating the living conditions of more than two billion people worldwide: inflation is rising, food is becoming scarce and massively more expensive. This means a daily struggle for survival. Once again, it is the poorest who are hit first and hardest, even though they have hardly contributed to these crises and do not have the means to defend themselves against them.
According to the agency responsible, One Marketing, the current campaign denounces the grievances that Caritas is fighting against: "Because every child has a right to education, every person has a right to training. Every family has the right to protection and income. The subjects are intended to shake up, outrage and inspire action," it says. The subjects address the various facets of poverty with emotional "is/ought" dramaturgies.
The campaign includes F12 and F200 billboards, e-boards, e-panels, ads, display ads, social media and a Landing page. It started on Thursday with three subjects and runs until the end of the year.
Responsible for Caritas SwitzerlandElisabeth Karagiannis, Reto Urech, Livia Leykauf, Nicole Lehnherr, Fabrice Boulé. Responsible at One Marketing: Ruth Wagner, Stephanie Ramseier.