FCB Zurich and Axpo advertise with animal testimonials

Naturally green electricity: FCB Zurich has created a new advertising presence for Axpo.


Axpo is the largest producer of renewable energy in Switzerland. To make this better known, the company has recently been advertising with a new campaign. The campaign symbolizes that nature is happy about Axpo's green electricity. Nature is represented by three cute protagonists - a fox, a sheep and a marmot.

All three animals are each shown in a domestic setting doing an activity that fits their natural behavior: The sheep shears itself, the groundhog sets the alarm clock, and the fox cuts up a goose. In the process, each animal uses an electrical device powered by green electricity - and the three like it. The "thumbs up" sign makes this clear.

With its animal testimonials, Axpo is taking a new approach to promoting its green electricity. The likeable protagonists are used in classic ads and online applications. The production was done by Carioca Studio@Visualeyes International.


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