"The stage is just AMAZING!" - 12 points to the ESC team for stage and sound

The Eurovision Song Contest project team presented the stage, visual language and soundscape for the 69th edition in Basel. While the stage is generating enthusiasm, the choice of font is polarizing. Tickets can be registered now.

(Image: SRG SSR)

A visual and sonic experience: the stage delights the fans
With the central leitmotif "Unity Shapes Love", the ESC 2025 focuses on the unifying power of dialog and music. Art Director Artur Deyneuve explains: "When we listen to each other, we also find love." The iconic Eurovision heart, as a symbol of unity, is visualized in a pulsating look.

The stage itself, designed by renowned production designer Florian Wieder and inspired by Swiss mountains and cultural diversity, has met with a consistently positive response in initial comments on YouTube:

  • "The stage truly looks amazing!"
  • "The best thing is the stage, which is just amazing!"
  • "This looks like the best stage concept and theme music ESC has ever had. Love it."

With its immersive design, the stage sets new standards for the ESC. Wieder comments: "Our aim was to create a revolutionary stage concept - a holistic experience, the likes of which has never been seen before at the ESC."

World of sound: tradition meets modernity
The musical staging also underlines the Swiss identity: driving beats meet traditional elements such as yodeling, Basel drums and alphorns. "We have created a bold, energetic track that gets the audience in the mood for an unforgettable experience with its beats and musical surprises," says Deyneuve.

Discussion about the choice of font
The visual identity not only generates enthusiasm. The choice of font polarizes the fan community:

  • "Missed opportunity to use Helvetica."
  • "I really like it... except the Times New Roman part lol."
  • "For me, that text font gives me year 1956 flashbacks."

Despite this criticism, the positive voices predominate: "The concept is pretty good... will need to see it more to love it."

Tickets and partners
The Ticket sales through Ticketcorner starts with a pre-registration that runs until January 10, 2025. Tickets will only be available on mobile devices. National sponsors such as Novartis and Swisscom as well as SBB as transport partner will ensure the organization of the world's biggest music event.

Next steps
The semi-final draw on January 28, 2025 is the next milestone on the way to the ESC 2025 in Basel.

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