No media article in the Fribourg cantonal constitution
The cantonal constitution of Fribourg will not include a media article. On Thursday, the Grand Council rejected a motion from the Council's left-wing ranks by 62 votes to 33.
"Information: a public good worth protecting" was the title of the motion tabled by Alizée Rey (SP) and Sophie Tritten (center-left CSP). In the constitution, the canton should be obliged to ensure the framework conditions for an open and enlightened public discourse.
The government and the conservative majority in the council did not want to know anything about this. The situation of the media is serious and the development is worrying, admitted Economics Minister Olivier Curty, recalling the recent job cuts in the media sector.
"Open doors"
However, the motion would open doors. The canton is already promoting media today. For example, it supports digitization projects of regional media and covers half of the subscription costs of the Fribourg media at the Keystone-SDA news agency.
In addition, all 18-year-olds in the canton now benefit from an annual subscription to a regional newspaper. Already 400 people have benefited from the offer, which corresponds to ten percent of those entitled.
The existing constitutional framework is sufficient, said Savio Michellod, a Liberal Democrat. He was not of the opinion that the state had to act. The upheaval in the media landscape was, among other things, a consequence of the digital transformation. Issues relating to the reliability of information also played a role.
The left wing of the Council remained in the minority with the view that the state cannot limit itself to guaranteeing freedom of the press. It must also ensure the quality of public debate and access to diverse and verifiable information. (SDA)