The Sinus-Milieus in Switzerland II

Market research A new planning tool, the so-called Sinus-Milieus, will be introduced in the fall. Werbewoche presents the individual milieus in Switzerland to its readers in a two-part article.

Market research A new planning tool, the so-called Sinus-Milieus, will be introduced in the fall. In a two-part article, Werbewoche introduces its readers to the individual milieus in Switzerland, which were surveyed for Switzerland for the first time last year on the initiative of Publisuisse (see also WW 25/03 and WW 24/03). The SRG-SSR research service, Publica Data AG, Credit Suisse and the Heidelberg-based Sinus Sociovision GmbH institute also took part in the project, which identified ten milieus for Switzerland. These target group segments are each characterized by very different combinations of personal values, attitudes, leisure activities and everyday aesthetics. From the fall, the Sinus-Milieus, which have already proven their worth in other countries, will also be available as a planning tool in Switzerland. Advertising Week presented the first five milieus and their characteristics in the last issue. These are the two main groups of the traditional milieus (the traditional middle-class and the frugal traditional) and the leading social milieus (the established, the post-materialists and the modern performers). Part 2 now describes the milieus of the Status-oriented, the Middle-class and the Consumer-oriented Workers (the so-called Mainstream milieus) as well as the Experimentalists and the Escapists (the Unconventional, Young milieus).
Kerstin Schoegel

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