Yellow sells Happy Homes for EBL Telecom
EBL Telecom relies on Yellow's creativity to promote its combination offer for Internet, TV and telephone. Two activating mailings are to lead directly to deals, increase frequency at the point of sale and strengthen EBL's image.
EBL Telecom is a business unit of the energy provider EBL. The company operates cable networks in the regions of Liestal, Laufen, French-speaking Switzerland and in the cantons of Berne and Lucerne and, as a UPC reseller, offers subscriptions for Internet, TV and telephony. This includes the "UPC Happy Home" combination offer for private households, which is intended to benefit more customers in the regions served. To be able to achieve this goal, EBL Telecom has brought the Yellow agency on board.
The result is two personalized mailings. In each case, the premiums that EBL Telecom gave away when a Happy Home subscription was taken out served as a hook. In one case, it was a 55-inch TV, whose packaging became a miniature in the mailing. The second mailing staged the controllers of the Nintendo Switch, which was the premium in this offer. To mark the occasion of EM21, EBL Telecom increased the thank-you gift for the deal with the Fifa 21 video game. According to Yellow, both mailings fulfilled the objectives associated with them.
Responsible at EBL Telecom: Madeleine von Arx, Fabrice Reymond, Thomas Müller. Responsible at Yellow: Timon Wolf (conceptual designer and planner), Markus Stöckli and Adrian Gertsch (conceptual designers and finishers), Martin Schmidlin (conceptual designer and writer), Reto Meyer (ambassador).