Wirz Activation wins account from Terre des homme
By winning the budget of the Swiss children's charity Terre des hommes, the specialists for dialog marketing and brand activation now have the third non-profit organization in their portfolio.
Wirz Activation welcomes Terre des hommes as a customer. Previously, the "Stiftung Kinderhilfe Sternschnuppe" (Shooting Star Foundation) and the Swiss specialist organization "Licht für die Welt" (Light for the World) had already chosen Wirz Activation on a project-by-project basis.
The agency will use a 360-degree fundraising campaign to convey Terre des hommes' core message: that every child in the world has the right to be a child. In addition to a high-circulation mailing and advertisements, out-of-home measures and online activations are planned for the fall.
Managing Director Amar Abbas comments: "The fireworks of advertising messages that modern people are exposed to have a decisive influence on how NPOs should communicate today. Meaningfulness alone has long since ceased to be enough to reach the people out there. It's about the same techniques and mechanics we use with our traditional BtC clients."