Advertising industry looks ahead to 2022 with confidence

The Swiss advertising industry is expecting a good year. Despite continuing uncertainties surrounding the corona pandemic, sales are likely to rise, as the "Industry Indicator 2022" survey by LSA and SWA shows.

WerbebrancheOf the 145 marketing and communications executives from leading advertising clients surveyed, 62 percent expect sales to pick up this year and 31 percent expect sales to remain flat. This was announced on Wednesday by the Leading Swiss Agencies (LSA) advertising agency association and the Swiss Advertising Client Association (SWA-ASA).

In addition, many advertising companies expect profitability to rise: around 45 percent of respondents expect this to happen, while only 10 percent anticipate a decline.

These are good prospects for the advertising industry, the two associations continue to write. And even though the survey was conducted in October and November, the situation for the advertising industry is unlikely to have deteriorated much to date.

Investments in offline media

A large proportion of advertising funds - 38 percent according to the survey - is likely to flow into offline media. This is followed by advertising channels such as digital advertising, websites, event marketing and social marketing. Across all advertising channels, the respondents' budgets are divided roughly equally between digital and offline, with increased investment in digital advertising in 2022, it says. Nevertheless, TV and print advertising will remain important. (SDA/swi)

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