Veganuary: Just Eat and Planted team up

Just in time for Veganuary, Just Eat has teamed up with Planted to expand the offering of plant-based dishes on the platform during January and make it easier to consume plant-based meals.

Plant-based dishes are riding high, especially in January. Whether for personal preference, health reasons, or for the sake of the environment, more and more people are craving plant-based fare.

Business partners benefit from product promotions

In a campaign designed especially for Veganuary, the two companies are providing restaurants in Switzerland with easier access to Planted products, which they can integrate into their menu plans accordingly. In addition, local restaurants will be supported in the promotion of these Planted dishes on the Just Eat app and a specific Landing page supported. A total of 250 Planted dishes are currently available in 85 restaurants in Switzerland via the Just Eat app.

Anyone who has resolved to live healthier in 2023 now has a wider choice of vegetarian or vegan dishes via Just Eat. Thanks to this collaboration, classic meat dishes can also be tried on a plant-based basis.

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