Toniq: The new superpower in sound and music for MarCom

Department of Noise and Stereotyp join forces to form Toniq Sound Agency. As a one-stop store, the merged agency offers innovative solutions from sound strategy to audio post-production and sets new standards in the industry.

The two established players in the field of sound and music, Department of Noise (DoN) and Stereotyp (ST), have joined forces to form the TONIQ Sound Agency have joined forces. This step creates the largest agency in Switzerland in this area.

DoN and ST have positioned themselves in different areas over the years: While DoN has specialized in sound branding and direct customer relations, ST has impressed with exclusive campaign soundtracks and first-class audio post-production. With the merger, they combine their expertise and offer comprehensive solutions for all sound and music needs.

"We can now fulfill all of our customers' sound and music needs in a cohesive way," explains Philipp Schweidler, Partner at Toniq. "This allows us to create a meaningful balance between individual creative ideas and the overarching emotional continuity of the brand. This allows it to grow beyond itself - because sound can be used to build a connection with the audience that is not possible otherwise."

from left to right: Kilian Spinnler, Florian Goetze, Dominique Dreier, Ph!L!pp Schweidler

Kilian Spinnler, also a partner at Toniq, adds: "We are like a good tonic: stylish in our choice of ingredients, with skillful freshness. But the real wow effect comes when we mix just the right proportion with a strong brandy."

Toniq starts with four partners and two employees and positions itself as a creatively driven one-stop store. Its services range from sound strategy and sound identity to customized campaign music, audio post-production, licensing solutions and in-store music. The aim is to revolutionize the market with generative AI and innovative approaches.

The partners Philipp Schweidler and Florian Goetze from Department of Noise and Dominique Dreier and Kilian Spinnler from Stereotyp have extensive experience in the music scene. With gold records and Swiss Music Awards as well as countless live shows and projects - such as the electro-swing duo "Klischée" - they have already proven their creative class.

A special highlight: Toniq has its own tonic water, which is bottled by the Zurich cult brand Gents. This special edition is available in selected bars, offices and the studios on Löwenstrasse in Zurich.

f.l.t.r.: Ph!L!pp Schweidler, Yves Gerber, Florian Goetze, Dominique Dreier, Alexandra Salomão, Kilian Spinnler

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