Tobias Billeter is the new Head of Communications at Microsoft Switzerland
Tobias Billeter will take over as Head of Communications at Microsoft Switzerland on March 1, 2016. He reports directly to Country General Manager Marianne Janik and succeeds Barbara Josef, who previously headed Communications for almost eight years.
Microsoft Switzerland appoints Tobias Billeter as Head of Communications as of March 1, 2016, filling the key position in the Swiss Executive Board that has been vacant since December. In this role, he is responsible for the local implementation of the global communications strategy as well as maintaining relationships with the media and opinion leaders.
Tobias Billeter started his career as a sports and business journalist in the service of various publishing houses. After holding positions as Head of Department and Editor-in-Chief, he moved to the private bank Clariden Leu in 2007, first as media spokesman and shortly afterwards as Head of Corporate Communications. For the last six and a half years, 46-year-old Billeter has been responsible for internal and external communications at Zurich Switzerland and built up the Corporate Responsibility department as an integral part of the positioning strategy. Marianne Janik, Country General Manager of Microsoft Switzerland: "With his experience as Head of Communications of internationally active service companies, Tobias Billeter is the ideal reinforcement for the Swiss management of Microsoft Switzerland."
Tobias Billeter studied history and political science at the University of Zurich. He then completed an MAS in Business Communication and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Renewable Energy Management at the University of St. Gallen. The British-Swiss dual citizen lives in Zurich and is the father of three children.
Barbara Josef had decided to leave Microsoft Switzerland and found her own company after almost eight years as head of communications. The economist joined Microsoft Switzerland in 2008 and was, among other things, co-founder of the Home Office Day project (now "Work Smart") - an initiative that aims to ensure that individuals as well as the environment and companies benefit from the current technological and social changes in the world of work.