Spina's Civil Voices goes full throttle for the VCS
Immediately after the "Yes" to Fabi, the VCS broadcast a thank-you spot on SRF 1. It was created by Spina's Civil Voices.
This weekend, the bill on the financing and expansion of the rail infrastructure (Fabi) was approved by a clear majority of over 60 percent. The Swiss Transport Club (VCS), which campaigned for this vote as part of the public transport alliance, played a part in this success. To thank the "yes" voters, especially the many car drivers, for their good decision, the VCS aired this spot yesterday evening immediately after the vote. It was conceived by the agency Spinas Civil Voices and dramatizes the advantages - especially those of car drivers - in a surprising way.
Responsible at the VCS: Nina Regli (Campaign Manager), Jérôme Faivre (PR Officer). Responsible at Spina's Civil Voices: Matthias Freuler and Stephan Huwiler (creation), Corinne Bucher and Olivia Spinatsch (consulting), Meier Productions (production), Alexander Meier, Tom Malecha (direction/cinematography), Lorenz Spinas (overall responsibility).