Groopy and Seven.One Starwatch bring stars of the 90s and 2000s to the stage

Oli.P, Mr. President, Loona, Right said Fred: The stars of the 90s and 2000s still inspire many fans - now Groopy and Seven.One Starwatch are bringing them back on a tour that also offers many opportunities for brands.

A six-hour party for fans of the 90s and 2000s with eleven live gigs and plenty of opportunities for sponsorship: On the concert tour GO90-2000which also stops off in Zurich, retro fans get their money's worth. ProSiebenSat.1 subsidiary Seven.One Starwatch has confirmed the partnership for three years and is bringing the necessary media power on board to take the event series to a new level. Sponsors can buy into the retro project regionally or directly for one to three years.

Emotional platform for brands

"Rhythm is a dancer" by Snap!, "Be my Lover" by La Bouche or "Coco Jamboo" by Mr. President - "the hits of the 90s and 2000s have the magical power to catapult listeners straight back to their youth," say the people behind Groopy, who launched the project. "And brands can benefit from this emotionality." Goopy 2024 will bring more than two dozen of these catchy tunes to the stage in eleven cities, hosted by Erkan & Stefan.

Seven.One Starwatch will be supporting the event agency Groopy with the concert tour for the next three years. The broadcaster Sat.1 will present the event as a media partner. Brands accompanying the event will thus be given an emotional platform. A multi-channel campaign will accompany the concert series. Sponsors have a wide range of opportunities to get involved.

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