Gemi December 2015: Electronic media on the rise at the end of the year

TV, radio, Internet, and digital out of home grew again in the last month of 2015. In some cases even massively.

Only teletext suffered a decline. Overall, this led to a renewed marked increase for electronic media, while the overall market grew only slightly. This is shown by the figures of the Goldbach Index (Gemi) on advertising print in December 2015.


The year 2015 closed on a very positive note for the electronic media. TV increased by three points to 670, the highest level ever measured. Radio also increased to 390 points. With an increase of five points, it was even stronger than at any time since October 2013. The Internet division even increased by 25 points to close at a record 917 points. However, the digital out-of-home sector topped everything in December. The increase was a full 115 points. And the 815 points now achieved represent a record value here, too.


Consequently, the electronic media as a whole also reached a new high of 672 points, thanks to an increase of five points. This is despite a decline of four points to 39 points for the teletext sector. Meanwhile, the market as a whole increased by only one point to 240. Compared with the previous year's figures, digital out of home increased by 23 percent, Internet by 19 percent and TV by two percent. Radio lost two percent, teletext even 20 percent. Electronic media increased by 3 percent, while the overall market grew by only one percent.

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