F ce helps save lives
Letters are like blood: it's only when it's missing that you notice it. That's why Face made the letters of the blood groups (A, B, O) disappear on Monday and Tuesday and thus supports the Swiss Transfusion SRC in raising awareness for blood donation.
Already on Monday, Face was missing the A, B and O in all posts on Facebook and on the homepage. The agency, headquartered in Frauenfeld, thus supports the campaign of Swiss Transfusion SRC.
Only when it's missing, it's noticeable
What would happen if blood were suddenly missing because no one was donating? Not to be imagined, because blood donations are vital. In order to draw the public's attention to this fact, the international "Missing Type" campaign was launched, in which Swiss Transfusion SRC is also participating. It is implemented by companies and celebrities. Face also supports the campaign and yesterday and today, together with many other partners in Switzerland and in over 20 countries around the world, made the letters of the blood groups A, B and O (or the number 0) disappear from titles, logos, texts and products.
With this campaign, Swiss Transfusion SRC would like to thank all blood donors in Switzerland who help to meet the demand for blood with their selfless commitment, on the one hand, and motivate young people to donate who have never donated before, on the other. This is the only way to compensate for the age-related loss of loyal donors and to ensure the blood supply in the future.
Annual blood donation campaigns with employees
At Face, the request from Swiss Transfusion SRC for support of the campaign was positively received and participation was soon decided: "Anyone could be in need of a blood donation at some point, which is why we take this issue seriously. Social commitment is part of our corporate culture and is supported. Blood donors perform a great service for society," says Phil Klaes, explaining why he is taking part.
Further information and impressions of the campaign can be found
at Missingtype.blooddonation.ch