The cultivated provocation

AY&R advertises for the SonntagsZeitung with people who do not read this newspaper

AY&R advertises the SonntagsZeitung with people who don't read itPoliteness is the attempt to see others as they are not, the German bon vivant and character actor Victor de Kowa once claimed. But false consideration has never been a matter for the SonntagsZeitung. On the contrary, it claims to call a spade a spade. Consequently, the latest advertising campaign for the TA-Media product could not be tame, but had to have rough edges. It does indeed have them, even if they are pretty well padded compared to its predecessors. The creative team at Advico Young & Rubicam has wisely reduced the risk of the company, which will soon be listed on the stock exchange, being sued for defamation due to its advertising blood libels, without completely abandoning its penchant for provocation. The advertising message no longer focuses on the content of the paper, but - and this is the unusual thing about it - on its non-readers. On those who supposedly have better things to do on a Sunday than stay up to date. page 10

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