These are the most renowned Swiss companies
For the fourth time in a row, Migros cannot be ousted from the top spot. The GfK Business Reflector 2017 identifies the federation of cooperatives as the most renowned company in Switzerland.
Rega and Ricola follow behind on the reputation podium of the 50 leading companies. New in the top 10 are Zweifel (rank 4) and Rivella (rank 7).
As part of the GfK Business Reflector 2017 information conference, Migros was named the "Winner 2017" and Rega the best "Newcomer Top10" on March 30 at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Zurich. Anja Reimer presented the study results to the media professionals and market researchers present. The speakers Bettina Nyffenegger and Andrea Kähr (University of Bern) as well as Mario Schranz (Fög) and Jörg Schneider (JS Studien+Analysen) then presented background information on the phenomenon of brand sabotage by consumers as well as on the crisis of traditional business journalism and its impact on corporate reputation in expert presentations.
About the study
The representative GfK Business Reflector survey has been conducted for a decade now. It measures and compares the reputations of the leading 50 Swiss companies, providing an important annual seimograph in the Swiss corporate landscape and a guide for each of them. The aim of the study is to provide an objective and accurate reputation monitoring for commercial companies. The results are based on over 3,500 interviews conducted throughout Switzerland. The survey is conducted in collaboration with Fög - Research Institute Public and Society.