"Reinhold Weber, Frank Bodin and Alexander Jaggy have had an impact on my career"

Patrick Beeli, Creative Director at Havas Creative, faces our "13 Questions".


1. how has advertising changed since you started?

Complete. From layout gluer to multichannel specialist. The requirements have changed fundamentally. But what has remained the same is the search for the differentiating strategy and idea.

2. what does not come to the office under any circumstances?

Narrow-mindedness. There are already enough rules and prohibitions, so you should at least be able to be free in spirit.

3. what would you most like to promote?

I/we have already done that: I work in an agency that has been doing prevention campaigns for a long time, such as the start of the "Love Life" campaign, "Smoke Free" or suicide prevention, because that makes advertising "meaningful". Advertising should also be used for meaningful things.

Advertising should also be used for meaningful purposes.

4. what do you think about influencer marketing?

Nothing new. In the past, it was testimonials on billboards; today it's influencers on cell phone screens. So it's old wine in new bottles.

5. the best book you have read recently?

"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. A classic.


6. what do you see as the biggest challenge for advertising at the moment?

That we only look at Big Data, Personalized Marketing, Artificial Intelligence Marketing and so on and neglect the real core of our work, namely conveying a relevant message.

7. Does the classic agency model have a long-term future?

I don't think so. The industry is in a state of flux. I can't say what it will look like in the future. But what I can say is that it will be different.

8. ever thought about leaving the advertising industry?

Yes, but quickly discarded for lack of better alternatives. What's more, you don't have to leave the industry at all at the moment. The upheaval that is taking place is opening up many new opportunities and perspectives.

9. can you tell us a little secret?

I almost missed the deadline for this interview!

10. what role do awards play in the advertising industry?

They still play an important role because they spur on top performance. However, awards should be in a healthy proportion to daily business.

11. what qualities make you a good advertiser?

Empathy and the ability to change perspective, because you have to be able to read people. Atticus Finch, in his book "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Harper Lee, 1960), taught his children that "you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." That sums up what advertisers should do.

12. when you have an idea, how do you know it is good?

When lightness comes in.

13. the most important person in your professional career?

There are three personalities who have influenced me in my career: Reinhold Weber, Frank Bodin and Alexander Jaggy. Thank you for that!

Patrick Beeli is Creative Director and member of the Executive Board at Havas Creative. His previous positions include Jung von Matt, Euro RSCG and Weber, Hodel, Schmid. He has won numerous national and international awards, including two Cannes Lions, and is also a member of ADC Switzerland. But more important to him than all the prizes is his family with two children.

The Advertising Week Series "13 Questions" appears in print and online. You can find all previous episodes at Advertisingweek.ch/13-questions.

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