Susanne Brunner is "Journalist of the Year"

The industry magazine Schweizer Journalist:in has named Susanne Brunner, foreign editor and head of the foreign desk at Radio SRF, Journalist of the Year. Roger de Weck receives the Lifetime Achievement Award.

(Image: zVg. SRF/Thilo Remini)

The industry magazine Swiss journalist:in annually determines which journalists have done exceptional work in the year. In the 2024 election, 1126 participants voted.

This year's winner was Susanne Brunner, foreign editor and head of the foreign desk at Radio SRF. "A very nice recognition after an extremely turbulent year in the Middle East and other regions of the world: not just for my work, but for SRF's foreign reporting," says Brunner about her award.

The Lifetime Achievement Award 2024 goes to Roger de Weck, Media Manager of the Year is Mark Dittli. In addition, 14 other journalists were honored in various categories. The winners are as follows:

  • Editor-in-chief: Dominique Strebel (Observer)
  • Politics: Philipp Loser (Tages-Anzeiger)
  • Reporter: David Nauer (SRF)
  • Economy: Reto Lipp (SRF)
  • Research: Adrienne Fichter (Republic)
  • Company: Mona Vetsch (SRF)
  • Column: Anna Rosenwasser (Republic)
  • Culture: Simone Meier (Watson)
  • Sport: Florian Raz (Tamedia, from December View)
  • Newcomer: Gina Bachmann (NZZ on Sunday)
  • Local journalism: Simon Jacoby (
  • Photo/Video: Laurent Gilliéron (Keystone-SDA)
  • Audio/Radio: Salvador Atasoy (SRF)
  • Editor of the year: Woz

The award ceremony will take place on March 24, 2025 at the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich.

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