Best of Swiss Apps 2023: 45 projects on the shortlist

The Best of Swiss Apps experts scrutinized 169 project entries on the day of the jury. 45 projects made it onto the shortlist in at least one category.

On Monday, the 53-member jury of experts reviewed a total of 169 project entries in the ten categories as part of the Jury Day evaluated. 45 projects made it onto the shortlist in at least one category. These submissions are among the best app projects of the year and can hope for further awards at the Award Night: Gold, Silver or Bronze. The shortlist has been available since Thursday on the Website of Best of Swiss Apps viewable.

Election starts end of September

Which projects are nominated for the Master of Swiss Apps 2023 will be announced on Tuesday. The readers' vote for the Master of Swiss Apps starts on Thursday. Subscribers to the Netzwochen newsletter are eligible to participate. Net tickerwho have registered by Wednesday.

Who will win the title of Master of Swiss Apps 2023 will be revealed at the Award Night on October 26 in Zurich's Kongresshaus.

The Best of Swiss Apps" Award annually honors outstanding apps - mobile applications and web apps - that have been commissioned by Swiss companies or developed for Swiss companies. In doing so, the sponsor Netzmedien aims to set quality standards and shine the spotlight on the Swiss app, software and mobile industry.

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