Wirz and BKW get business tips from the installer
More sustainable is also more economical. Under this motto, BKW is launching a B2B campaign on LinkedIn, other online channels and in print with new secret recipes for business success. Wirz is responsible for the implementation.
Being economically successful and constantly developing your own company innovatively is a major challenge - or is it? The current B2B campaign from BKW is intended to make it clear that a lot can be done in the areas of energy, buildings and infrastructure to increase the profitability of your own company - and also make a decisive contribution to a more sustainable future. To this end, BKW is positioning itself as a provider of customized solutions for every company and as a partner for various energy issues.
The campaign focuses on those who are needed to implement the successful measures: BKW employees, installations and technologies. For example, solar technicians know that the profit maximization of many companies can be found on their own roofs, and building automation technicians know that smart building automation can ensure a better financial year.
The key visuals and display ads also communicate strikingly that companies can save energy costs with BKW solutions. For example, a cable for an electric car also charges the company's cash register at the same time.
Responsible at BKW: Martin Schweikert (Head of Group Communications & Public Affairs), Michael Morgenthaler (Head of Brand Experience, Partnerships & Campaigns), Sandy Lanz (Campaign Project Manager), Carolina Matthys and Aline Rösti (responsible for content). Responsible at Wirz Group: Livio Dainese, Matthias Fürst, Johannes Raggio, Nico Schläpfer, Mark Stahel, Sara Runggaldier, Stephanie Ackermann, Florian Avdic, Ria Meghji, Julia Keller, Erasmo Palomba, Giovanni Bucca, Yussef Serrat, Corinne Räber, Günther Prächt, Oliver Fäs, Michaela Burger. Production: Markenfilm Schweiz (Film Production), Janic Halioua (Director/DoP), Joel Scheidegger (Executive Producer), Mario Hipleh (Production Manager), DubDub Studios (Audio Postproduction), Jürgen Kupka (Grading), Claudius Stocker (Postproduction Online), Olaf Gardeler (Display Ads), Martina Meier (Photographer). Media: Mediatonic (media agency), Marco Rose (Co-Owner & Head of Strategy), David Hösli (Senior Media Manager Print Strategy), Max Stürzekarn (Senior Digital Media Manager Online Strategy).