Recruit until the doctor comes
Because it's growing, Swiss digital health provider Medgate and Leo Burnett Switzerland are looking for new doctors and asking applicants for online medical appointments.
The days when you had to go to a doctor's office for an appointment are over. More contemporary, location-independent patient care services have long been on the rise. The problem is that many physicians are hardly aware of the change to house call 2.0 or have reservations about the still young field of digital health.
As the leading European provider in this field, Medgate is now going on the offensive with a broad-based recruitment and image campaign. The campaign's message focuses on the new closeness to patients: "Now, as a doctor, you can be there for your patients everywhere.
Medgate also wants to break new ground in the next step with the live dialog measure "Doctor Appointment for Doctors". Via LinkedIn and e-mailing, doctors are invited to exchange ideas with a colleague who already works for Medgate and knows the benefits from his or her own experience. The subsequent exchange takes place via video call, just like a regular Medgate consultation.
The campaign can be seen in various medical titles, online and on all relevant career portals in Switzerland and several other surrounding countries in Western Europe.
Responsible at Medgate: Cédric Berset (Director Marketing, Communications & Sales), Anja Nusser (Director Human Resources), Céline Futterknecht (Manager Marketing Communications), Daniel Karpati (Digital Product Manager), Céline Klauser (Manager Corporate Communications). Responsible at Leo Burnett Switzerland: Axel Eckstein (ECD), Rolf Zimmermann (Strategy), Christian Bircher (CD), Bastian Otter (Text), Dominik Zekar (Graphics), Lara Cavelti (Consulting), Melanie Afflerbach (Art Buying), Wolfgang Zlodej (Photography). Responsible for Medgate's new brand identity: MetaDesign. Vhe responsible for the technical implementation of the landing page: Icontel.