Max and Remy are back
In its new Christmas campaign, Coop relies on a good old friend - Remy the reindeer, who made his first appearance in last year's campaign. This year he helps little Max, who wants to get his parents to spend more time with him.
For the campaign, which has the tried-and-tested motto "Freud schänke," Havas staged the story of little Max, whose parents are so stressed in the run-up to Christmas that they have no time for him. And so, together with his friend Remy the reindeer, the little boy devises a plan.
The story is told in two 40-second TV spots and in a special 78-second long version on the Internet. The films are supplemented by 20-second web films. As last year, Maurus vom Scheidt was the director, while Pool Films was responsible for production. Filming took place exclusively in Switzerland, both near Zurich and just outside Basel.
Swede instead of Goofe
After the Schwiizergoofe contributed the song to the campaign in 2015, Hitmill is sending Swedish singer Lilly Ahlberg into the race this year. Her song "Love Is Like" not only accompanies the films, but is also available in a single version as a download. Georg Schlunegger is once again behind the composition and lyrics, and produced the song together with Roman Camenzind and Fred Herrmann.
Traditionally, the POS measures are at least as important a component of the campaign. The image motifs developed for this purpose, which are also used as print subjects, were staged by Per Kasch. In addition, there are a large number of other measures that were designed and implemented by other agency partners.
Valencia is responsible for the communication of the offer, while Yjoo is responsible for the PR of the heart's desire series in the Coop newspaper and for other event activities in the supermarkets. As Coop's online lead agency, Nexum is responsible for the conception and creation of the digital part. Here, Nexum realized a campaign website that guides a broad audience through an authentic Swiss Christmas world with versatile content. This includes Christmas recipes, wine recommendations, gifting tips, and baking and crafting instructions, all delivered through step-by-step tutorials and videos. Nexum has also integrated exclusive Christmas blogger content into the campaign website. The creation of digital advertising materials comes from Goldbach, while TW Media is responsible for media planning.
Havas CEO Frank Bodin on the new campaign: "This year, the topic of Christmas stress is being discussed intensively, and not just here in Switzerland. Children in particular often get a raw deal here. So it made sense to stage our friend Remy as a helper in need and develop a heartwarming story out of it."
Responsible at Coop: Thomas Schwetje (Head of Marketing/Services), Sacha Zuberbühler (Head of Advertising), Carole Burri (Main Project Manager), Cassandra Zamorano (Project Manager Advertising Festive Market), Joachim von Allmen (Head of Advertising POS Retail), Oliver Johnson (Head of Digital Marketing), Anja Kapust (Project Manager Digital Marketing), Christian Lüdi (Head of Social Media), Stephanie Stähli (Project Manager Social Media) and Karin Heliopoulos (Head of Media). Responsible at Havas: Frank Bodin (CEO), Folker Wrage (CCO), Patrick Beeli (Creative Director) Daniel Kobi (Art Director), Magnus Sambo (Senior Copy Writer), Silja Rast (Junior Copy Writer), Diana Aberkane (Head of Office Basel), Stephanie Waller (Account Manager Office Basel), Serdal Aktas (Polygraf Office Basel). Film and photo production: Constantine Wrage (Producer), Maurus vom Scheidt (Director), Per Kasch (Photo), Pool Films (Film Production). Responsible at Hitmill: Georg Schlunegger (Composition, Songwriting, Producer), Roman Camenzind (Executive Producer), Fred Herrmann (Mix, Co-Producer), Noemi Mathis (Project Manager). Responsible at Goldbach Interactive: Dino Amantea (Junior Consultant), Jenna Uldry (Junior Consultant), René Schoedon (Head of Digital Creation & Production), Torsten Schallmaier (Senior Copywriter / Concept Developer), Benedikt Ritschel (Rich Media / Frontend Developer), Marlon Perini (Rich Media / Frontend Developer). Responsible at Yjoo: Nina Krucker (Concept) and at TW Media: Stephan Küng (Managing Director) and Maja Fricker (Managing Director).