KPT launches brand relaunch campaign
KPT wants to be better perceived in the highly competitive Swiss health insurance market. A revamped brand identity and a new campaign are designed to differentiate the company from the competition.
The health insurance market in Switzerland is highly competitive. In the period shortly before and during the change window in the fall, the providers are each omnipresent in the media, with the messages being partially interchangeable. Differentiation is correspondingly difficult. In order to be better perceived in this environment, KPT launched a new brand identity in September and, as "the health insurance company with the plus," is deliberately focusing on an easy-to-understand message, which is also visually supported by the new logo and thus facilitates recognition.
The campaign builds on the sharpened positioning of KPT and uses the new brand claim "the health insurance company with the plus" as a communicative hook. The campaign aims to increase brand awareness and brand trust within the target group and to emotionally anchor the new positioning of KPT within the target group.
The plus is a positive message that is understood by all: a "more on". KPT employees always want to give a little more. In their appreciative dealings with customers and in the development of personal and innovative solutions. Doing more than expected for someone out of appreciation, or performing better than usual, is told in the campaign from a personal perspective, thus building the bridge to KPT's "Plus" in an emotional way.
The campaign depicts everyday scenes in which people give more than would be expected of them. The environment of the staged customers, partners, children, parents, neighbors, etc. benefit from this "more in". After all, anyone who receives a plus, an "extra" benefit from their health insurance company, will also be inspired to give more than expected in their everyday lives.
The campaign message is direct and easy to understand. Through the use of short vignettes, the content can be specifically adapted to the medium and allow the use of the communication measures and adaptations for the following year as well. In the future, more specific target groups and topics can be integrated in the vignette selection.
The three vignettes (stories) in the TV spot are told emotionally and in their entirety despite their brevity. The TV spot underscores the campaign message through the production design, which is color-coordinated with the primary and secondary corporate colors, and a color scheme for the image that picks up on the warmth of the actions.
The vivid camera work reflects the intention of the protagonists and lets the viewer experience the emotion. The image design was implemented at an international level and highlights the importance of KPT's message. Due to the modular structure of the TV spots with several sequences, length and format can be tailored to the desired medium. For example, individual sequences can also be used as pre-rolls on online TV or YouTube.
In order to achieve the communication goals, a broad strategy is being pursued for the campaign, which addresses the general population via the lead medium of TV. In addition to involvement and activation, the digital channels also serve to generate leads. Precise targeting is used to address the target group directly on the various social platforms and to lead them in a charming way to a campaign microsite.
On the Microsite three skill games illustrate what it means to give more and thus make the campaign claim tangible for users. By clicking, swiping and dragging, the protagonists from the TV commercial are encouraged to give their best. This engagement with the positioning promotes the anchoring of the message in the minds of the target group.
A multi-stage competition additionally underlines the plus of KPT. The more users give in the games, the more attractive the prize. And true to the brand claim, every prize still has something "en plus".
Display banners additionally promote the campaign on selected advertising networks. The games are teased in an interactive way directly in the banner and illustrate the added value of KPT.
Responsible at KPT: Marc Bissig (Head of Marketing & Communications), Philipp Pongracz (Head of Advertising & Sales Promotion), Stefanie Gehrig (Marketing Manager), Noemi Muñoz (Marketing Manager). Responsible at Futurelite: Claudio Catrambone (Creative Direction), Svenja Hässig (Consulting), Mario Hipleh (Text & Concept), Tom Zürcher (Text & Concept), Rainer Brenner (Text). Responsible at The Front: Sam Sherbini (Concept & Consulting), Pascal Beyeler (Technical Direction), Marco Zimmerli (Creative Direction), Nemi Wildbolz (Text & Concept), Thomas Ammann (Text & Concept). Responsible at Crosswalk: Beat Wyss (Strategy and Brand Management). Responsible for production: Bubbles&Sons (film production), Catch (director), Daryl Hefti (DOP), Mery Wunderlin (production assistance), Marc Ambühl (editing & color grading), Great Garbo (music), Jonathan Heyer (photography) Jingle Jungle (sound studio).