Fair Recycling presents itself in new splendor: focus on clarity and sustainability

The Fair Recycling Foundation has implemented a comprehensive brand relaunch together with rosarot. With a clear focus on sustainability and comprehensible communication, the urgent climate issue surrounding CFCs and HFCs is brought to the fore.

Fair Recycling is committed to the professional disposal of old refrigerators in Brazil and prevents harmful emissions by destroying CFC and HFC gases. With a modern brand image, the complex topic is presented in an understandable and appealing way for the first time. Companies that obtain climate protection certificates through Fair Recycling make a decisive contribution to global sustainability goals.

A brand that creates clarity

Together with rosarot, Fair Recycling has redefined the brand values and reduced content to the essentials. The relaunch includes a visual reorientation with a fresh color and image world as well as an interactive scrolling experience on the new website. The green freezing star, inspired by the logo, symbolizes the connection between cooling and sustainable climate protection.

Sustainability in every dimension

The new website not only offers an improved user experience, but has also been supplemented by a targeted SEO strategy to create long-term visibility. The annual report, which has also been redesigned, fits seamlessly into the clear and modern brand identity and underlines the claim to communicate complex topics simply and effectively.

A joint success project

The collaboration between Fair Recycling, rosarot and CMSBox resulted in an appearance that not only raises awareness of the climate issue, but also clearly communicates the foundation's values. This success shows how sustainability and communication can go hand in hand.


Responsible at Fair Recycling: Chantale Beolchi (CEO of the Fair Recycling Foundation office), Dr. Andreas Röthlisberger (President (†2024)), Nicole Wagner (Marketing and Sales Support); Responsible at Rosarot: Bettina Walder (Consultant/Project Manager), Deborah Bäbler (Consultant/Project Manager), Sarah di Nolfi (Art Director), Thorsten Hainke (Senior Copywriter), Claire Hulla (Polygrapher), Sarina Russi (Creative Storyteller), Moreno Carroccia (Head of Performance), René Karrer (Co-CEO, Founder); Responsible for programming: CMSBox GmbH (Joana Wenger and team)

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