Erdmannpeisker and OgilvyOne address retirement planning

The topic of retirement planning is important, but for many people it tends to be associated with pressure and a guilty conscience. The Basler Versicherungen campaign created by Erdmannspeisker and OgilvyOne brings a lightness into play.


Everyone is talking about the need to provide for old age, since the AHV will no longer be sufficient. However, one third of the population does not provide privately (3rd pillar). The topic will be even more prominent in September, as Switzerland will then vote on the future pension system as an overall package, i.e. the Swiss population will have to deal with the topic in depth, in addition to their existing knowledge.

This public discussion increases the pressure to "do something and make provisions" and reinforces a guilty conscience. Against this backdrop, Baloise Insurance does not want to blow the same horn, but would like to approach the heavy topic of "retirement planning and protection" with a certain lightness of touch. The basic attitude of Basler Versicherungen is: We want to encourage old age and showcase the desirability of old age.

On this basis, Erdmannpeisker has developed a TVC that makes people want to realize their individual projects in retirement. The spot is reinforced by the hit song "Live is Life".

The accompanying online measures were developed and implemented by OgilvyOne. These include banners, Facebook and video ads as well as the landing page with detailed content. This is activated by a newsletter to existing customers and with native ads.


Responsible at Baloise: Marc Hallauer (Head of Marketing Switzerland), Yves Thiriet (Advertising Manager, Marketing Switzerland), Raphael Bucher (Project Manager Marketing Switzerland), Michael Besel (Head of Digital Marketing), Tamara Neskovic (Digital Marketing). Responsible at Erdmannpeisker: Gabriel Peisker (CD), Sybille Erdmann (consulting), Patrick Fawer (AD), Cyrill Wirz (text). Responsible at OgilvyOne: Daniel Ahrens (CD), Daniel Geiger (Head of Digital), Simon Bietenhader (Consulting), Christoph Perner (AD), Frank Engelhaupt (Text). Responsible at Markenfilm Switzerland: Uli Scheper (production), Marcus Lundin (director), Paul Theodoroff (camera), Markenfilm Schweiz (post-production). Responsible at Mediaschneider: Laurence Sass, Eva Troentlé, Simon Racine. Photography: Tobias Gromatzky, Berlin.

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