Economiesuisse launches counter-campaign to SVP's "self-determination" initiative

Economiesuisse and Scholz & Friends Zurich are joining forces to campaign for a "no" to the "self-determination" initiative, which will be put to the people on November 25, 2018.


The aim of the orchestrated campaign is to make all Swiss people aware of how much would be at stake if the initiative were to be accepted. In addition to traditional channels, the campaign also includes the Bundesplatz in Bern, where 18 20-foot containers are being used to draw attention to the threat to Switzerland as an export nation.

From pastors to entrepreneurs: the main protagonists of the campaign are a wide variety of Swiss citizens. In teams of two, they address the most important arguments for a "no" to the "self-determination" initiative. The diversity of the protagonists makes it clear that the consequences of the opaque initiative would affect everyone. The orchestrated campaign includes posters, moving images, advertisements, banners and various special measures.


An eye-catching PR campaign can be seen on the Bundesplatz in Bern on October 11, 2018. To illustrate how important exports are for Switzerland as a business location, 18 20-foot containers were set up there. They show the average volume that Switzerland exports in 10 minutes and illustrate the dangers that accepting the initiative would entail.

Oliver Steimann, Head of Newsroom & Campaign Manager, Economiesuisse: "The campaign gets to the point very vividly that it is in the interests of the whole country and all sections of the population to reject the initiative."

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