Federal government wants to make Nutri-Score better known
Consumers should be able to select suitable foods for a healthy and balanced diet based on a rating. An information campaign by the federal government is intended to make the Nutri-Score more widely known.
The Nutri-Score on the packaging provides information about the composition of a product with a rating scale from A to E. The Nutri-Score is a rating system for the nutritional value of a product. It is intended to help customers to assess the nutritional value of a product and compare it with other similar products when making their choice in front of the store shelf, as the Federal Council wrote on Friday.
However, around half of consumers have difficulty understanding nutrition-related information on food packaging, according to the Federal Council's report to parliament. Around eighty percent of those questioned in a survey would like to see simpler and more comprehensible labeling, especially on nutritional value.
The Nutri-Score is not a nutritional recommendation and it does not give an absolute rating. But it does help to make the healthier choice between two products, according to the report. To raise awareness of the Nutri-Score, the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO is planning an information campaign.
According to the Federal Council, the cantons as well as stakeholders from business, health promotion and consumer protection are also on board. The federal government wants to use the human and financial resources of the FSVO. Regular monitoring will ensure that the measures taken are effective.
According to the Federal Council, seventy producers and retailers have lobbied for the introduction of the Nutri-Score since 2019. More than 6000 products from 168 brands have been labeled. The companies wanted to create transparency for consumers and make the composition of the products visible. The use of the Nutri-Score is voluntary and free of charge. (SDA)