When the speakers boom at festivals

EVENTS Sommerzeit ist Festivalzeit. Doch was für den Open-Air-Besucher oftmals in Vergessenheit gerät, ist das Essentiellste jedes Festivals: der Ton und die Bühneninszenierung müssen perfekt sein. Der Grund, warum dieses Argument häufig fast unbeachtet bleibt – ist – weil es meist reibungslos funktioniert.
Sound and light have to be perfectly mixed at festivals like here at Moon and Stars. Anyone organizing a festival wants to be able to rely on their partner for sound and stage production. One example of this is Moon and Stars, which is beautifully located on the Piazza Grande in the middle of the picturesque town of Locarno. A lot of know-how is needed so that the guests can experience first-class mixed sound and light.The full-service event technician AudioRent Clair AG based in Aesch (BL), is responsible for exactly that. Over the years, the company has been able to convince more and more festivals of its services. Today, it is the most important Swiss company in the field of festival equipment. Its crews work cost-efficiently, quickly and reliably thanks to the sound, also international touring experience.In summer AudioRent Clair goes full throttleBetween mid-June and mid-July, AudioRent Clair's work heats up: more than three quarters of the festivals it supports take place in this month, including the Moon and Stars, the Gurtenfestival, Live at Sunset and OpenAir St. Gallen. Most of the festivals take place outdoors. This increases the demands on the event technician, as the entire system (sound as well as lighting) must function perfectly even in wet weather. The usual duration of several days also puts the equipment to the test.Business events benefitDoes this experience of the event technicians also help at business events, MK wanted to know from Alain Müller, Head of Marketing and Sales at Audiorent Clair? "From concert tours, we are used to setting up and dismantling systems in a very short time," explains Müller, "we have the power to get a large event up and running within a few days. It happens once or twice a year that a customer realizes a week before a major event that he has a technical problem - they often end up with us.""Last but not least, we are also an interesting partner for large companies that work internationally. Internal customs clearance, international transports, contacts in almost all major cities are the basis of our Europe-wide activities," says Müller. "A small side effect is the 'sexyness' of the tour business. Many of our customers are often extremely impressed that the event technician of Elton John, for example, is sitting at a small mixing console at a medium-sized event somewhere in Switzerland. Then our technicians 'have' to tell one or the other anecdote."

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