"Grazie Goldbach"

At the Dolder Sports Bad, 1500 guests experienced the glamorous Goldbach Summer Party 2024. The event, a highlight of the year, impressed with its unique blend of convivial atmosphere, gratitude and storms of enthusiasm.

ESC winner Nemo performed at the Goldbach Summer Festival 2024

Over the years, the Goldbach Summer Festival has developed into an industry-wide mega-event. This year marked a special turning point, as the previous CEO Michi Frank handed over the reins to Christoph Marty. Visibly moved, Frank thanked Goldbach in his speech for the wonderful years and his family for their support, without which none of this would have been possible.

Alexander Duphorn, CEO of Goldbach Media, and TX Group CEO Pietro Supino also took the floor on the pool stage and thanked the outgoing CEO warmly for the excellent collaboration: "Grazie Mille, Michi".

Excellent food, first-class drinks and lively conversation rounded off the evening. On stage, show act Nemo provided the entertainment.

m&k Werbewoche.ch editor Beat Hürlimann went on a voice hunt during the evening.

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