The live experience, our most precious asset
The C-word makes everything different. Live communication will change. More radical than expected, more digital than thought. Corona is changing our possibilities, but not our needs. Michael Dancsecs, owner of Standing Ovation, shares his thoughts.
Corona as an innovation accelerator? If you read the comments from the live communications industry, we are at a turning point. Radical transformations are predicted. Conventional business models will disappear. Will live communication be like classic communication? No more budgets or creativity only via bits & bytes?
Our competence is called live - the technology is called phygital
Live communication has long been taking place in a phygital world. But the convergence of online and offline, real and virtual, physical and digital, was imagined to be more leisurely. Now the highest level of urgency is called for. Because social distancing has now shown us that there is another way. For example, via live stream or VR glasses. To be there in real time, you no longer need your body, just your head and the appropriate technology.
Tech innovators are taking advantage of the current urgency. Good for our customers, good for us as event service providers: We get an even more powerful range of communication technologies and options. This means we can use budgets much more efficiently and bring people together in even more diverse ways. But anyone who now focuses only on technology will lose sight of our most important asset: the live experience.
Resonance needs reality
Of course, we are currently in crisis mode. First of all, we see the substantial losses: the cancellations, the postponements. But we also see the special value of direct encounters. There is no substitute for it, neither for us as people, nor for the brands we orient ourselves to.
The longer we are forced to practice Social Distancing, the more we want to experience things together again. We need the mutual resonance. We need the feeling of being connected to each other through shared experiences. Even if virtual community building and digital conferencing are becoming more and more commonplace: Unique experiences need real proximity. In his Financial Times article titled "Covid-19 is tech's big moment - but we still miss real life," Leo Lewis puts it pointedly: "You only have to listen to the tech talks long enough (...) and they become sad swansongs to real life."
The new togetherness
What we are currently experiencing is not only the efficiency of digital interaction possibilities. We are also experiencing the absence of real interaction. It is a very healing experience: We realize how precious live experience is and how carefully we have to handle this special asset.
This is precisely why we need the resourceful ideas of KomTech innovators: they help us to get even more out of the special asset that is live experience. The dialog between online and offline experience and between reality and virtuality will become much more intensive in the future. The important thing here is that the focus is not on the technology, but on the unique experience it enables.
How the current situation will develop, we do not know. But we do know one thing: The importance of the live experience will increase because we miss it so much now.
* Michael Dancsecs is the owner of the Zurich event agency Standing Ovation.