On the occasion of its two-year anniversary: New structure and new additions at Blick Romandie
As of Thursday, Blick Romandie is operating with a new structure. For its 2nd birthday, the editorial offer will be expanded and additional positions for journalists, web editors and innovation specialists will be created.
Since June 1, 2021 Blick.ch/fr online and, according to its own information, records around 90,000 visits a day. In order to become even more popular with the French-speaking Swiss, the medium is now being restructured and expanded by several positions.
The editorial team will continue to be led jointly by Editor-in-Chief Michel Jeanneret and Thomas Deléchat, who has been newly appointed Editorial Director. Digital expert Céline Pétremand will take charge of the Web Desk, which is responsible for all publications on the website as well as for the dissemination strategy. Vaudois journalist Antoine Hürlimann will head the News division, which is responsible for news from Western Switzerland and exclusive research. Camille Bertholet will head the New Audiences team, which focuses on producing content for new audiences.
The team will also be complemented by journalist Tim Guillemin, who will join the editorial team at the beginning of September and take over responsibility for the sports team. Guillemin was previously editor-in-chief of the newspaper La Région Nord Vaudoiswhich he headed for three years.
"Thanks to an extremely professional and dedicated team, the launch has exceeded our expectations," says Ladina Heimgartner, CEO of the Blick Group. "We are convinced of Blick's great potential in French-speaking Switzerland and have decided to invest in its further development - in order to gain further strength in the market and thus take an even more important position in French-speaking Switzerland."
This restructuring will be accompanied by the creation of additional positions. By the end of 2023, the editorial team intends to greatly expand its editorial offering and increase its innovative capacity by collaborating with new digital and AI specialists. Corresponding vacancies are to be advertised in the next few weeks.