Tamedia plans job cuts in the cover editorial department
Tamedia's publishing house is planning to cut several jobs in the main editorial departments of the Tages-Anzeiger, Bund, Berner Zeitung and other newspapers in the group. The production department is also affected.
Tamedia confirmed the plans, which were first reported by the online magazine Republik, to the Keystone-SDA news agency on Wednesday upon request. Republik reported more than 20 employees would be affected. A Tamedia spokesperson did not give a specific number, but spoke of a small number of employees. According to its own figures, the publishing house had around 1,300 employees in the summer.
Part of the job cuts will be made through early retirement, and an existing social plan will be applied. According to Tamedia, the job cuts are part of a savings program in the amount of CHF 70 million already announced in August 2020, which is to be implemented in the years 2021 to 2023.
Tamedia is a company of the listed TX Group. According to the half-year figures published at the end of August, the business with paid media products developed negatively in the first half of the year due to the effects of the Corona crisis and the Ukraine war. Profitability decreased significantly. (sda.)