"Tama Gotcha!": Ex-Joiz host becomes first SRF-YouTuber
How Tama Vakeesan manages the balancing act between Swiss and Tamil culture, she tells every week on her YouTube channel "Tama Gotcha!" from Friday, February 24, 2017.
Her name is Tama Vakeesan, she is 29 years old and was born in Langenthal, the daughter of a Tamil family. She certainly has strong nerves - to put up with well-meaning but annoying comments. At her age, she should get married as soon as possible, say Tamil acquaintances. While certain Swiss are amazed at how well she speaks Swiss German, since you can't tell she was born in Switzerland. Marriage, on the other hand, is not that easy, because should the prince charming be a Swiss or a Tamil?
How origin, mentality and tradition affect everyday life is something Tama discusses in her fresh way with her colleagues - many of them secondos who, like Tama, feel completely at home in Switzerland without giving up their own culture.
For Tama Vakeesan, the balancing act between two cultures is above all a broadening of horizons. "When you grow up in a cultural mishmash like I did, you learn to be open to other opinions and worlds." So her weekly video diary is also a plea for social diversity in Switzerland, where almost a quarter of the population now has foreign roots.
Every Friday from 5:00 pm there is a new episode of "Tama Gotcha!" on YouTube.